Tendon Strain


It is said that the most common injury caused by a tendon strain happens through misuse. More often than not, the injury is caused by some kind of sports injury. For instance, basketball players often suffer an injury to the Achilles tendon, which connects the anklebone to the muscles found in the calf muscle.

When such an injury takes place, usually rest of the body part is indicated, as is putting ice on it. The part is then often wrapped which offers some pain relief as well as preventing swelling. Finally, the injured part is elevated above the heart, if possible, as that too prevents swelling and minimizes the pain.

Putting stress on any tendon is likely to result in an injury if a repetitive activity is emphasized too much or if something happens to overstretch the tendon quickly. This would happen for example if a weightlifter continued to work out the tendon every day, regardless of the warning of pain. Pain indicates that rest is needed by the body in order to repair the injured tissue. To prevent tendon strain, a body must be conditioned for it. This is why too, even professional dancers stretch prior to rehearsal or a performance.

When someone has indeed suffered an injury or tendon strain, it's often very easy to diagnose by looking at the loss of range of motion the patient is suffering. However, a physician needing further assessment may order required tests through the use of an MRI, ultrasound, or even x-rays. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) will usually be prescribed as well.

Once healed, through care of the affected area, or through surgery, a surgeon may advise the stretching and strengthening of the injured muscles through recommended daily exercises. Exercises are frequently done in warm water to prevent re-injury. Sometimes, it will be necessary to visit a physical therapist to ascertain that the exercises are done properly. The therapy involved may not just involve exercises either. It is common for ultrasound therapy, stretching, running and gait re-education, soft tissue massages to occur too, all depending on what caused the injury. Splints of various kinds are also used, as are local injections of cortisone as well as a numbing medicine may be injected also.

Physical therapy may comprise of strengthening exercises, ultrasound therapy, soft-tissue massage/mobilization, and stretching and also gait or running re-education. If the tendon strain was done to the Achilles tendon, the surgeon or doctor treating the patient may order appropriate shoes that properly fit your personal foot type. Also, the appropriate shoes may have to actually fit the particular activity. For example, running shoes are different from those used to play basketball. Having the appropriate shoe will prevent recurrence of the condition sometimes. Tendon strain accounts for as high as 50% of sports injuries, thus it may be very important to prevent them from happening.

Tennis elbow or golfer's elbow are excellent examples of sports related injuries that are often created by misuse of the sport's instrument. Tendon strain is quite common in these sports as well, and the treatment is the same as found above in those instances. Read more about tendonitis symptoms here.